It was one of those mornings. Here in the Pacific Northwest, we have an abundance of gray, cold mornings. My favorite word for them is "dank". So when one of these special warm sunny mornings comes along, we stop whatever we are doing and run for the patch of sun. This morning was like that.
My hubby (and best friend) and I were sitting with our morning coffee, gazing out at the palette of colors that blazes throughout the spring. Pinks, purples, blues spread out in every direction. Our conversation turned to our very dear friend Steve, a prolific composer, who writes music because he cannot help it. He's just completed his third massive musical, The Life of Jesus, complete with drama and music, and it could be that no one on this earth will ever hear it. Still he writes, for an Audience of one, because he can't help it. We concluded that perhaps it's playing in Heaven and it just spilled over into a willing vessel.
Composing music, painting a picture, planting a garden... all are artistry. And the artist is compelled to add to, touch up, revise, perhaps start anew. Isn't that just such a picture of God? He creates each of us as a work of art, completely unique. But the artistry doesn't stop. If we let Him, He wiill continue to "touch up, revise, add to" as long as we stay close. He is the Vinedresser. He will nurture us, fertilize our soil, water us, pull the weeds that threaten to choke us, and even prune when necessary. In His loving heart, He sees the beauty and perfection that we can be with His loving care. My need to create a beautiful garden is just a reflection of His great love in my life. I'm looking forward to the completion of His work!
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