Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The iris field

Picture courtesy of LeonineIris.com
A meandering path through a field of flowers stretched before me. The blooms were waist high in shades of purple. They seemed to be bearded iris, stretching before me like a violet tide. The colors were intense, almost glowing. The air was velvet, that perfect temperature that the skin loves. A subtle fragrance flowed over me like a beautiful memory. It was a perfect harmony of sun, garden, breeze.
My violin was in my hand, and as I stepped onto the path, I began to play. The music was a concerto from the solo repertoire, studied long ago and almost forgotten. But this time it was different. The violin seemed to be playing itself, the music perfect and exquisite. I've always found the violin difficult and cumbersome. Playing well has always been hard work. This time, the music came effortless and pure, like looking into a many-faceted diamond. My fingers moved through the rapid passages, the double-stops perfect, the bow weightless. The music, colors, sounds, fragrances, blended together into a heavenly essence.

I don't usually remember my dreams, but I'll never forget this one. It was not an earthly experience. Jesus said "I go to prepare a place for you...". I'm becoming more and more convinced that the place He is preparing for me will be a garden, and there will be a violin there for me as well. I just got a glimpse of eternity.

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